Red Line Rasbora

The Red Line Rasbora is a stunning and vibrant fish that will add a pop of color to any aquarium. With its bright red body and striking black markings, this fish is sure to catch the eye of anyone who sees it.

This species of rasbora is native to Southeast Asia, specifically found in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. It is a small fish, reaching a maximum size of around 2 inches, making it perfect for smaller aquariums or community tanks.

One of the standout features of the Red Line Rasbora is its striking red coloration. The body of this fish is a vibrant red, which is beautifully contrasted by its black lateral line that runs from its gills to its tail. This black line gives the fish its distinct appearance and adds to its overall appeal.

In addition to its stunning colors, the Red Line Rasbora is also known for its peaceful nature. It is a social fish that thrives in groups, so it is recommended to keep them in schools of at least 6 individuals. This not only enhances their natural behavior but also reduces any potential aggression towards other tankmates.

When it comes to tank requirements, the Red Line Rasbora is a relatively easy fish to care for. They prefer a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots and open swimming areas. The addition of floating plants will also provide them with shade and create a more natural environment. The water temperature should be kept between 75-82°F, with a pH level of 6.0-7.0. It is also important to maintain good water quality and perform regular water changes to ensure the health and well-being of these fish.

Feeding the Red Line Rasbora is a straightforward task as they are omnivores. They will readily accept a variety of foods including high-quality flakes, pellets, and frozen or live foods such as brine shrimp or daphnia. It is important to provide them with a balanced diet to ensure their optimal health and vibrant colors.

Breeding the Red Line Rasbora can be achieved in a well-maintained aquarium. The fish will scatter their eggs among plants or on the substrate, and the parents do not exhibit any parental care towards the eggs or fry. To increase the chances of successful breeding, it is recommended to provide them with a separate breeding tank with plenty of plants for the eggs to attach to.

Overall, the Red Line Rasbora is a beautiful and peaceful fish that will make a great

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