For controlling fleas and heavy flea infestation, Advantage for dogs is an excellent pet product. Spot-on such as this are highly effective at killing adult fleas and larvae on dogs and their surroundings. It affects re-infesting fleas within 3 to 5 minutes, kills re-infesting adult fleas within 1 hour and flea larvae in your dog’s surroundings within 20 minutes of contact with the active ingredient.
The advantage for dogs contains Imidacloprid. This active ingredient is a powerful insecticide. It starts killing fleas within an hour of application. Using this product, you can eliminate adult fleas and larvae from your dog's surroundings and prevent further infestations. It prevents several diseases caused due to fleabites and protects dogs from harmful diseases. It reduces outbreaks of Flea Allergy Dermatitis and controls lice.
Advantix Extra-large controls ticks including the paralysis tick, brown dog tick, and bush tick. Advantix both repels and kills ticks. It is also for the treatment and prevention of fleas (Ctenocephalides) and reduces the incidence of Flea Allergy dermatitis. Advantix controls lice for up to 6 weeks and repels and kills mosquitoes and sandflies while also repelling stable biting flies in dogs over 25kg.