Which Type of Dog Breed is Suitable for Me? A Pet Buyer’s Guide
Which Type of Dog Breed is Suitable for Me? A Pet Buyer’s Guide
Are you struggling to choose a suitable dog breed for you? Well, you have arrived at the right place! We understand that choosing the right dog to own is not as easy as it may seem. If you end up with a wrong choice, you're going to regret it, so picking a compatible pet is very important.
When choosing the right bongo for you, there're numerous factors that you'll need to take under consideration. Most importantly, your current lifestyle, and the level of flexibility you can afford, determines which type of dog will suit you. For example, if you're a busy person who doesn't get much free time to spend, you'll need to look for a dog breed that's immune to separation anxiety. Or, if you reside in a small apartment, you'll have to choose from a dog breed that doesn't require much outdoor activity to stay fit. Likewise, evaluation of many other similar factors is necessary when selecting an ideal canine for yourself.
1. Size
Most pet owners are either interested in owning a small lapdog or a giant-sized dog when it comes to size. If you're not sure, you can also go for a medium-sized dog breed.
Small-sized dogs are relatively weaker than large-sized dogs. They can easily suffer from an injury if not carefully handled. Such dogs cannot resist harsh winters and are best suited for places where the weather is mostly pleasant.
On the other hand, large-sized dogs are sturdily built and mostly meant to be working dogs. They possess resilient, waterproof coats that allow them to withstand harsh winters.
2. Energy Level
You're probably aware that some dogs are naturally more energetic than others. Usually, temperament determines a dog's activity level, but this does not mean that you can exclusively depend on breed to predict how enthusiastic your dog will become. Regardless of breed or size, every dog requires daily exercise, so make sure you can provide it.
If you know you can't commit to more than one or two casual walks a day, a lower-energy dog like a Basset Hound is a good choice. Find a breed like the Border Collie if you're looking for a jogging companion, agility enthusiast, or "disc puppy."
3. Age
Age is a crucial factor to evaluate when thinking of owning a new pet. Puppies and senior dogs require the most attention and love. It means you'll need to dedicate a big chunk of time to supervise the upkeep of your pet. Initial training is a must for puppies, and so is taking care of senior dogs.
However, adult dogs require minimum attention, though it varies from breed to breed. Even if the dog is an adult, he is not necessarily skilled, so you should first undertake some dedicated training. Fortunately, many adult dogs have been conditioned and socialized to some extent and can quickly transition to their new abodes' new lifestyles.
4. Temperament
A dog's personality is its temperament. Whether a dog will act stubborn, polite, or submissive depends upon its disposition. Some dogs act aloof around strangers, while some dogs don't play well with children. These are the doubts you'll need to address before getting a dog for yourself or your whole family.
5. Grooming Needs
Some people suffer from pet allergies, so they can only consider adopting the dog breeds that come with hypoallergenic coats. e.g., The Poodle dog breed has a hypoallergenic coat. Likewise, some dog breeds shed a lot of hair and can turn your house into a pet barbershop. Unless you have a particular need for such a dog breed, you'll refrain from owning a dog breed that sheds excessively.
The most common choice for pet owners is adopting a dog breed with moderate grooming needs and the one that doesn't profusely shed.
6. Breed Type
Purebred dogs have an immense following. Many people fall to a particular dog breed for several reasons. Perhaps you were raised with the breed or have spent a significant amount of time with it in your life. Maybe you adore the way a particular breed looks and behaves. Alternatively, you might believe the breed is right for you based on what you've read or learned about it.
Mixed-breed dogs can be fantastic additions to your household. On mixing two or more dog breeds, their personalities and physical traits too are balanced. Just keep in mind that, notably, if you adopt a "pound puppy," you should expect the unexpected. You can't predict how your puppy will look when it grows up, and you can't predict health issues. However, many pet experts believe that mixed dog breeds are more immune to diseases than purebred dog breeds.
We hope that now you'll be able to make an educated choice when adopting a bongo. Do remember to keep all the factors mentioned above in mind when visiting a pet center. Also, we'd like to introduce you to some of the most famous dog breeds worldwide. It'll help you in making a good choice. Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Dachshund, Newfoundland, Great Dane, Poodle, Bichon Frise, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, etc., are some of the mention-worthy dog breeds that you should try to explore.